Tuesday, February 23, 2010

love the art not the artist

While watching the movie "Nine", I was not very impressed with the sheer amount of sluttly, scantily clad women and the image they portrayed of all women in general. However, as the movie progressed and the complaints of my movie partner increased I began to see the movie as a journey of the writer. To anyone but a writer, the movie is “weird” and “boring.”
The end product, which was the movie, could not have come to existance had the writer not transformed his life into art.
“My life is art.”

The fact that the man writes and directs beautiful films does not make him any less of a cheating bastard. However, his work is for sell not his personal life. Is the art less beautiful if it comes from an individual who is openly promiscuous, damaged, addicted, etc? Would the fact that something worth reveling in came from a less than perfect person make it more valuable? Does a flaw in the artist in turn flaw the art? But who isn’t flawed? We are all real fucked up. Some of us just hide it better than others. That is an art in itself.

So where is the value and integrity of the art? Within the creator or the finished product? I value Bob Marley, John Mayer, Andy Warhol, and Billie Holiday’s art. Their openly questionable lifestyles do not make their abilities any less wonderful and the art that came from these people touches a place within people around the world. So, love the art not the artist.

Art: love. passion. pain. sex. emotion. purity. sin. Heaven. God. Epiphany. Darkness. Revolution. Life embodied.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I will not!-NO-never.
What am I fighting?
Pull. Push.
Dare I scream?

Scream, yell
till my voice is no more.
Go to hell, then
if you think I've the brain of a whore!

But is this true resistance
or is it
adolescent rebellion?
I could resist the urge to
Act in haste.

Speak, listen
till my heart isn't cold.
till my head isn't empty.
till I know who I am
till I don't need to be
don't need to resist
existing as...who?

I will know-always.
What am I seeking?
Stretch. Expand.
Dare me not to.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

pretty ugli

I bite my nails.

It’s disgusting.

I realize I only do it when I’m supposed to be doing something else; studying, listening to a lecture or homily, talking to mama on the phone, or filling in the answers to a difficult test of quiz. If I am completely occupied by something else, my nails are safe from harm.

Biting your nails is like smoking a cigarette. You get a strange stress relieving feeling while you’re doing it, but then afterward you feel all icky and you regret it.
I’m staring at my ruined manicure, agitated with the knowledge that I will be spending time (that I don’t have) fixing it later and spending a week waiting on my nails to grow back.

Maybe I like biting my nails because I know I’m not supposed to. But biting nails, while on a much smaller scale, is like destroying anything. You feel great being a badass and doing what you want but then you look at what is left; jagged, ugly pieces of what was smooth and healthy before.

It’s so much more difficult to smooth over the messes we make than it was to create them in the first place. You’d think we’d learn our lesson.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Madd Movements!

Facebook is fraught with ways to avoid doing homework. Rather than aimlessly "liking" photos and status updates I found a large forum of thought in the This is what a Feminist Looks Like group.

Sifting through the differing opinions of feminism and I came across http://www.iamthatgirl.com/#/About_Us/.
The Bellist movement is one I am not at all familiar with. It seems to be centered around the idea of beauty and passion.
"We work hard, play hard and are unapologetic about looking good while doing both." The idea seems nice, but I am not sold. Why should it matter if you can change the world AND look good? Why not just do big things and not dwell on being pretty? Or on another note, if looking good is so important; why not just be beautiful?

Feminists for Life (www.feministsforlife.org) was also mentioned but did not receive rave reviews all around. It is the belief of some that being Christian and a feminist is impossible. I couldn't disagree more.

It is interesting to see the diversity of thought brought on by the word "feminism". The word seems like a sure way to begin a heated discussion.